Thursday, December 13, 2007

'08 Challenges

I'm preparing some personal challenges for myself for 2008. I'm thinking maybe 8 different challenges fro '08. Has a nice ring to it. By 8 challenges I mean 8 BIG challenges. 1 of the challenges will be in my reading discipline. I really feel like I fell away from as much reading as I need to stay fresh in ministry. So I'm considering 28 books for '08. I know, again with the 8 thing. But that would put me at 4 more than 2 a month and would definitely be a challenge for me. I'd love to do a book a week, but that is just not realistic for my schedule. So anyway, I'd love to have some suggestions. Are there books you have read that have gripped you? I think I want to include fiction on this list as long as it is quality fiction. I have my list started, but I want to hear from others to see what they would recommend.


Lynn B said...

"Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry," by Mildred Taylor should be on your list. I read it aloud to my kids several years ago, and it made a big impression on all of us. It also has a scene near the beginning that makes you think revenge is sweet after all. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug, This is Matt K, from taylorville, was in your youth group for awhile! I did a search for sufjan stevens and ended up here. the irony! ya sufjan is really good. rosie thomas has a cd called these friends of mine that is really accessible and great it has sufjan stevens david bazan of pedro the lion denison witmer jeremy enigk of sunny day real estate damien jurado and many more. im working on a masters in psychology right now. im really grateful for the restoration that has occured in my life and the many changes that have happened through God's grace since we last spoke. anyhow i would recommend wise blood by flannery o connor and the violent bear it away by flannery o connor and also silence by shushaku endo all good fiction stories anyway sorry to ramble on. u knew know what youll get when u do a good search for sufjan stevens lol