Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No easy answers

This Sunday I will be tackling a theme drawn from the song "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" by U2. The theme I will draw from this is that it is okay to doubt, struggle with unbelief and NOT have all the answers AND still following Jesus. It has me thinking about the questions I have in my life that I really don't have all figured out and what others' may be. So if you can, take a moment and share one of your BIG questions. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

God is a God of love, mercy, and grace. However, God is also a God of justice.

So what do I do with Canaanite genocide? Or how about passages like 1 Kings 18 where Elijah has all of the repented prophets of Baal slain? There are a lot of crazy things in the OT that don't seem to align themselves with God's character.

God has given us free-will (and with that comes responsibility). And we have all messed that up and sinned, so I suppose we don't deserve ANY grace, but some of the killing in the Bible seems so out of place or un-necessary.

"Hey, Joshua, go take over the promise land (by killing these nations). And when you are done doing that, you are to be a kingdom of priests to the surrounding nations."


I know God doesn't have to answer to me, but there seems to be a "more angry" version of God in the OT sometimes.

I think a lot of people doubt God because they see him as this guy up in heaven smiting people. Or as John Wasem would say, "Is God a cosmic killjoy?"

We don't like thinking about a God of justice or judgment. It is much better to think about a God of grace, but we cannot neglect that attribute to his character.

It's just hard to read the OT sometimes.

"The Old Testament" (Rated R for violence, bloodshed, rape, and plagues).


Doug Gamble said...

Great question/comment Tim. That is one of the hardest ones.

Anonymous said...

on the lighter side - how about what really happens to peeps after 15 seconds in a microwave??
it is amazing - i just don't get the science behind it...
u2 - yes