Thursday, November 29, 2007

New name!

I have a friend...I know that is surprising, but my friend felt like I needed my own domain name, so he bought me one! What a great guy! So now you are on the official "digdoug" blog. Now I just need a cool subtitle. Something like "digging into the realities of doug" or digging beneath the surface." If you think of something, let me know! For now I'm getting a kick at having my own domain.


Anonymous said...

That's great!

I like the tags ...

"digging beneath the surface"

"digging in to the dirt of life"

"unearthing perspectives on life"

"an ongoing quest to make God known"

"moving the dirt of life aside"

"in the dirt, yet not of the dirt"

"digging ways to make faith relevant"

Happy Tagging!!!!!



Doug Gamble said...

Good stuff. thanks.

Anonymous said...

you're an organization now?
