Thursday, September 6, 2007

Too funny

Criticism is always hard to hear, even when you are in the habit of hearing it. I say that because every Tuesday several of us sit down to critique the worship service. We try to pick out the highs and lows, basically looking for what we could improve upon. Sometimes we get a little picky, but most of the time it is very helpful to help us keep reaching for excellence. One critique I did get, which amused me, was that my message had too much comedy and not enough content. Personally, I don't think you can ever have too much comedy. I do see where they were coming from, but I did not intend the message to be an indepth exploration of the nature of God...just something that would cause us to step back and consider how big God is and how deserving of our worship He is.

Still thought it was funny that I was too funny. I did love doing the song "If I had a little white box."


Kelsey said...

Hey Doug, that is too funny. Kind of ironic with the wording there. Anyway, I also have a story that is too funny. It will take much to long to explain it on here, but to make it short. I met Kevin Lucas this week at one of the campus ministry functions. Quite random, but very cool. What a small world we live in. Too funny.

Jef said...

Man, I find this odd that you would get this type of comment/criticism during a message series somewhat sarcastically (or at least tongue-in-cheek) called "How to Make Worship BORING." I know we don't always have to agree on everything - that's cool - but it can take all kinds to reach all people, which is what makes Christianity really "sweet" (sorry that I could not find a more theologically correct descriptor). Well, I hate to keep dragging this thing on and on; so I'm gonna go (gotta email Greg this week and tell him I don't like puzzles - especially not ones with a Dora the Explorer motife) haha Oh, and don't worry - I have never thought you were "too funny" haha Seriously. There's nothing funny about limiting the ability of the God. Way to bring it on home, brother.

Doug Gamble said...

Kels, that's too cool. Say hi if you see him again. Tell me the full story sometime.

Jef, thanks dude. I just think, if I'm laughing, it's all good.