Monday, December 17, 2007

Number 1 goal

I was listening to Mark Batterson on the way in this morning and this comment has stuck with me.

"The church can get a new pastor. My kids can't replace me."

There's always this pull away from the family because they typically are not urgent. Work, the house, the car, whatever is always more urgent than my kids. I've placed some boundaries in my life that has helped, but I need to take some other steps.

One of the steps I have taken and been pretty successful at is always taking my day off. And when I do take it, no work happens. That is not only healthy for me, it's healthy my kids. My kids need at least one whole day where dad is not distracted by work.

There are some other ways though I need to take some extra steps. Specifically in my evening routine I have not done well at keeping our dinner time sacred. Furthermore, the whole evening meeting thing can get a bit out of hand during some seasons. Got to work on that.


Anonymous said...

Wow, is it just me, or did your header just get awesome? All I can say is: New. Desktop. Wallpaper.

Doug Gamble said...

Ha! a friend did that for me..and oh yeah, there's more where that came from. I'm going to be offering a free downloads section soon where you can get the whole collection for your desktop! :) Actually, it feels weird with it on I'm self promoting or something...or I should be on a billboard.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of family...a very happy anniversary to you and Sheila today. We love you guys!!!