The research behind the book studied the perception of 16-29 year olds and revealed that the majority of this age bracket believe that Christians no longer represent what Jesus had in mind.
This book confirmed statistically what I have heard and sensed for some time. We can have one of two responses:
1. We can grow defensive and refuse to listen to a generations' views claiming that they just don't understand because they are not Christians.
2. Or we can listen and seek to understand so we can meet people where they are at in their beliefs.
This does not mean we compromise our beliefs or morals but it does mean we seek to actually follow Jesus and his pattern of loving people right where they are at.
What I like best about the book is that it doesn't just present the problem, it also presents some solutions. I would like to take several posts and comment on the issues raised.
The big idea that I think we have to hear is this: To be liked is not the point. To accurately represent Jesus and love like He did is THE point. It always has been the point and always will be the point. Sometimes we just forget that and get too focused on ourselves choosing to create a safe club where we feel loved and are comfortable instead of reaching out and stretching ourselves so that the Gospel can be heard and seen in our lives.
More to come...
provocative and insightful perspective.
Indeed, perception is reality for each person.
At the same time, it is not reality. Reality is not relative.
It is simply the lens of each person's life that they experience reality. You might say that perception is one's interpretation and understanding of reality.
One can change their perception and thus experience reality in a different way.
Perception is transient and fluid.
Reality is fixed and constant.
The glass can truthfully be said to be half full and half empty at the same time. It is one reality experienced from two perceptions.
Time for a huge cup of Starbucks, some Christmas music and deep discussion of theology and philosophy....
good stuff for us to wrestle with as we engage the culture and seek ways to communicate truth.
unChristian Society Room Marketing:
I thought you would want to know that Fermi Project just released the official "UnChristian: Change the Perception" DVD Curriculum designed for small groups and church staffs. It has David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons, Shane Claiborne and Rick McKinley talking through how the perceptions can change and is a resource I would highly recommend. Check it out at:
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