Today, Sheila and I celebrate 14 years of marriage. I have a friend who always responds this way when asked how long he has been married: "10 great years...but 17 all together." I can say that we really have been married 14 great years. We certainly have had our ups and downs. Some years were definitely harder than others. But my perspective is that all of them...the ups and the downs...has made our marriage what it is today. I know I am so blessed to have such a great woman to put up with me and still be in love with me. We celebrated last night with dinner and a little year-end review and planning for next year. I know it sounds so unromantic, but actually it was all good stuff about what we want to improve upon next year.
For any guy reading, your wife will absolutely love you to pieces if you initiate these types of conversations. One thing I have at least learned in 14 years.
I'm looking forward to so many more years with an amazing woman.
Congrats!! Kyle told me he found you on facebook!! How awesome is that? Woohoo. This is LaDonna (him mom). Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Tell Shelia Hi for me. Your kids are beautiful!! They have grown so much!! Hope all is well in your world and I want to wish you a Wonderful Holiday!! Be Blessed.
You guys are stinking awesome!! How great is God to bless your lives in such a wonderful way! I'm praying for you!
Thanks guys!! Great to hear from both of you!
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