Tuesday, November 20, 2007


2 days until I stuff myself crazy...all in the name of "Thanksgiving." It's what our founding fathers would have wanted. It does seem rather funny when you think about the tradition of Thanksgiving. In the words of Jim Gaffigan, "It's like we didn't even try on this holiday. Let's overeat. We do that everyday!"

I am thankful...
...we made it to Oklahoma safely...
...for Starbucks on a nearby corner...
...for my church...
...for my kids...
...for my wife...
...for Jesus...
...for the ability to pay for food and a house.

So many things to be thankful for. Scripture says to count your blessings. I'm doing a bit more of that this year. The older I get the more things I even see as blessings.

I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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