Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First day of the beanie

Today marks the official beginning of "beanie" wearing season. It is now cold enough that I cannot walk around free and unhindered by anything on my bald scalp. With the temperatures dropping I face the cold, cruel reality that most heat escapes through my head. One positive in this is that guys who have hair (and care) try never to put anything on their head because it might mess up their carefully sculpted follicle creation. Not me! I wear away because no hair will be messed.


Mike Moseng said...

Just wait, sweater-vest boy, and see the beanies I'll wear. But it has to get cold first, wuss. :)

Anonymous said...

you're wearing a beanie already?! I agree with is not nearly cold enough yet!

(although I do have a layer of protective hair, so maybe it does get colder for you).

