Spending a few moments this morning reflecting on my experience of the Leadership Summit. I wouldn't call this one the best one ever (I've only attended 3) but it had some good stuff. Bill Hybel's last session at first glance didn't strike me, yet this morning as I am reflecting on the summit, I do think he had some of the most practical things to say. His talk was on how to stay inspired so you can inspire others. Instead of re-writing all of them here I will just point you to Dave Ferguson's blog who wrote them all down. Good stuff.
3 I need to pay attention to:
1. Pay attention to health - have let that slip since running the marathon last year.
2. Be around exceptionally inspiring people - this may come through books or intentionally seeking someone out who is inspiring.
3. Pay attention to work environment - Kinda let my office get stacked up and messy. That's very de-motivating to me...so this afternoon I organize and clean.
The most inspiring moment above all though was seeing the story of Patrick Henry Hughes. A gifted musician who was born without eyes and the ability to walk. It was discovered as early as 5 years old that he could had natural ability to play the piano. Now he is in college at the University of Louisville. He actually is in the marching band there where his dad wheels him around during practices and performances. To be able to make all the practices his dad works a graveyard shift at UPS. What an inspiring dad! I love this quote by Patrick:
"I was born blind and not able to walk, big deal! God has given me gifts that I can use."
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