Attended a great leadership conference today. Highlight for me was from author Marcus Buckingham (btw, a very funny guy even though you can't tell from his "magnum" pose.). I've read his Now, Discover Your Strengths. Key thought: Even though we are taught and ingrained with the idea that when it comes to our strengths and weaknesses we should play to our weaknesses, that is, focus our energy on our weaknesses to improve them, by focusing the majority of our energy our strengths we will be much more effective. Here's some myths and truths he presented:
Myth 1: As you grow, your personality changes.
TRUTH: As you grow, you become more of who you already are.
Myth 2: You'll grow most in the areas of your weaknesses.
TRUTH: You'll grow most in the areas of your strengths.
Myth 3: A great team member puts aside his strengths and does whatever it takes for the team.
TRUTH: A great team member volunteers his strengths most of the time.
I was challenged when I read the book, but am inspired to do more from listening to him. His follow up book, Go put your strengths to work is in my reading queue now for sure.
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