Well, it's official as of yesterday. I have entered a new season as a parent. My son went on his first youth group trip. Yesterday was the Six Flags trip. I went with him because he wanted me to and I know he won't always want dad around. We actually had a great time just hanging out. He took his first spin on a roller coaster. Jared (student pastor) was even there to experience it with him, so that was cool. It made me think about a couple things:
1. Moments like these are so fleeting. They are here one moment and gone the next. Enjoy them while you can. All of life is really that way. Enjoy life as it comes because it only comes once.
2. You can only enjoy first things once. I was thinking about the whole roller coaster experience and how you never, no matter how much you want to, recover that feeling of first riding a roller coaster. That mixture of anticipation and fear of the unknown. After that, you have some reference point that in some way spoils it and in another way makes you able to try faster roller coasters. It's kind of like that with God. There are so many "firsts" with God.
- When you surrender your life.
- When you are baptized.
- When you really hear him speak into your life the first time.
- A worship time where you felt totally caught in the worship.
- A time of completely trusting him with something you really hadn't trusted him with before.
I'm looking forward to this season with Ethan. I know I will see tremendous growth in him. And I am looking forward to how God is going to work in his life. It's a beautiful thing to see the handiwork of God in your child's life and to see how God redeems my pitiful attempts at fathering.
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