Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Height - Does it matter?

In the last post I was whining about the fact that most CEO's of Fortune 500 companies are tall. One commenter asked a question...we will call her Lola. Why does that information even matter? Great question. The study on height was a part of a larger study on prejudices. What was also found is that most CEO's are also white and male. Now if I had indicated that, I doubt anyone would question why that is even important to know. It is obvious. There is an imbalance in Fortune 500 countries when it comes to women and people of other races as CEOs. There are endless studies done on this stuff and I don't want it to be fodder for anyone to whine about the world being unfair. As I tell my kids, "Life isn't fair. Accept it and deal with it. How you respond matters much more than how the world is treating you."

But the studies on height specifically reminded me of how Saul was chosen to be king. The Bible in 1 Samuel 9:2 says that Saul was "an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites—a head taller than any of the others." And that was the exact reason he was chosen to be king. Because he was tall and impressive looking. The same thing is true today. But people aren't placed in positions just because of height but also because of skin color and sex.

Now here's the point for me: If people are being chosen to be CEO's because of height, I doubt seriously it is consciously. I think it is much more of a subconscious thing. So, what subconscious prejudices do I hold?
  • Do I act differently around people of different class or race?
  • Do I treat people differently who are different than me?
  • Do I pay attention to people who look a certain way?
  • Can I even spot my own prejudices?
The truth of the matter is that I do think and act differently when I am around those who are different than me. I don't want to, but I do. It may not be in ways that are noticeable to others or even myself, but they are there. So I'm paying attention to myself more. I'm intentionally being around those who are different because God has created every single one of them. I want to intentionally learn about others' culture so I will be more comfortable in any setting. Why? Because God created every man and woman equal thus should be treated as such. AND because I want to follow the example of the apostle Paul and "become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some (1 Cor. 9:22)."

And by the way, growing up in rural Oklahoma I used to think this was a load of cow dung like many still do, but God is opening my eyes.

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