Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jerry Falwell's legacy

Jerry Falwell's funeral is being held today and it makes me wonder about his legacy...and mine for that matter. I have recently heard more about his life, but before that I didn't think that well of him. In my eyes it seemed that he did more to undermine a positive image of Christ followers then many. And yet, when I think about what he accomplished through planting a church and starting a college, I see that a lot of good has come out of his life. My opinion comes mostly from some of the bonehead statements he has made on TV. Some of the highlights are his comments on teletubbies promoting homosexuality and 9/11 being caused by homosexuality and abortionists. I mean, come on!

And yet, listening to people who knew him I see a side of him that he didn't promote very well...and I wish he had. Listening to former students of Liberty University, I heard of a man who was full of fun and friendliness. A man who would joke with the university students and attend as many sporting events as he could. Larry Flynt, founder of Penthouse and apparent friend, commented on LarryKing that while he disagreed with his views, he knew Falwell to be a man of character and a friend. Wow! That's some pretty good stuff to be said about you. I would love to have that said of me by people who don't even know Jesus.

It makes me wonder though what goes into a legacy. How could Jerry have acted differently so that most of the world would know him as a man of character...a man who loved deeply? I will never know what it's like to live in the spotlight like he has, what's it like to have every word you utter scrutinized, to speak before you think on national TV, but I do know that people are watching and listening. I think Falwell would be one of the top people that many would point to when talking about having a problem with Christians. There are a couple books coming out that speak to the fact that a lot of people don't like Christians, but do not have a problem with Jesus. Are we not supposed to be reflections of Him? Are we not supposed to be "little Christs?" May the words of my mouth reflect Jesus' words. May I get out of the way so others can see Jesus. More than just thinking before I speak I want my life to be so consumed by Jesus that I even if I do speak before I think it will be reflective of that relationship with Christ, not about my agenda.

1 comment:

Lynn B said...

One of my favorite songs is "Legacy," by Nichole Nordeman. I almost consider it my life song. Here is a link to youtube so you can hear it:
