As I drank from my Starbucks on Sunday, I shared that Starbucks is an image of a Sabbath rest, otherwise known as "viennefesh" to me. Now at Suncrest, we have quite a few Dunkin Heads, which is a completely different image. Starbucks is about experience. Dunkin is about getting your coffee and getting on with your day. That's why I love Starbucks. Okay, I do really like the taste. Some don't...with weaker taste buds. :) But my point is, I don't want something else in my life encouraging me to hurry up. Get in, get out. I like it that there is a place, a coffee place even, that reminds me to slow down...stop...and reflect. Hmmm...I sure hope our church does that.
"The truly purposeful have an ironic secret: they manage time less and pay attention more (78)."
Quoting Henry Nowen: "My whole life I have been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted until I discovered the interruptions were my work (79)."
"Those who sanctify time and who give time away-who treat time as gift and not a possession-have time in abundance (83)."
"God loves to make his power perfect in our weakness, to show up in splendor when we show up in faithfulness, obedient but inadequate, trusting but inept, with nothing in our hands but our need for him (169."
Pick it up. You won't regret it.
And just for some fun, I'm not the only one who thinks Starbuck's rocks. You can click here to read about it even though stinkin' Consumer Reports gave props to McDonalds. What???
another spiritual excuse to work Starbucks in to the picture..haha
i couldn't agree more though - even though I really like the Dunkin' coffee - I love Starbucks for the very reasons you outline
I think there is a song in there somewhere...? I know a place...a coffee at the cross...hmmm.
For all my talk, I actually had Dunkin's today. I like the song idea, though...hmmm.
I think you should've shared your Starbucks with the rest of us!
That actually would have been awesome. As I talked about it I could have said, and guess what? We have it in the back for you today...well not all of you...not for you dunkin heads. :)
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