So I sat in the back yesterday during one of our services and as Greg was preaching I noticed this guy reading. I thought, "that's cool." He's reading the text from the message...but NO he was reading The Five Dysfunctions of a Team! I couldn't believe it. I mean it is a good book, but c'mon, in church! My first thought was really, why even come if you are just going to ignore everything that is said. I was amused as I continued to watch him how he would pop his head up occasionally as if it made him look like he was paying attention. I suppose there are several reasons he could have been doing that:
1) Already made his mind up that he did believe in God. Message was on how we can trust that God is real.
2) Already made up his mind that he did NOT believe that God is real and came only to appease his wife.
3) Was really wanting to find out how to build a team.
4) Had a bad case of gas.
5) Was just rude in general.
Whatever the reason I actually did pray for him. Something in his life is not right. He in essence was blocking the Spirit from working and I prayed that God would break through the wall.
And then there was Susan (not her real name). I met her after the services and she shared how she came to Suncrest last year after moving back closer to family. The reason for her move was the fact that she had lost her husband and moved back so she could pick up the pieces and move on. Her mother, who does not attend Suncrest, suggested she try it out, she did and she has been coming ever since. She loves it and expressed how much God has used Suncrest.
Hey Doug!
I found your blog!! I'm glad that you guys joined NewThing!!
Hey Matt! thanks for dropping me a line. Yep, we're in for some coaching on Mult-site and the multi-media resources are icing on the cake.
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