Over the next several months I will be changing hats...sort of. We are restructuring around our very own 4C model of growing in Christ (more on that another time). Basically all of us staff type people will play a little shake up with our job descriptions. Some will have bigger changes than others, but the whole idea is to give more focus to all of our areas. One big change for me is that I will gain leadership over all areas that involve welcoming, informing and connecting guests, baptisms (which I already do) and helping people take their "next step" in their faith. There isn't a good word to describe this process although "assimilation" has been used in the past. But since we are not the
Borg, I hate that word. If anyone has a better word, please let me know. I always struggle in describing it. Beginning Discipleship is close. Anyway, if it involves a new person getting connected into the life of our church, then I pretty much will be over it. Where that job ends is when they connect in a community group and serve. Those two areas will be in others' leadership areas.
Anyway, I am excited. Gives me a chance to focus. One of those focuses will be our coffee. I can only describe it as something resembling the aftertaste of eating manure. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but it is bad. Getting us some awesome coffee will be one of the first things on my list. Probably doesn't matter to some, but I think bad coffee is a bad first impression in a world of Starbucks.
On that note, I am headed to a seminar at
Granger Community Church that is focused on making a great first impression to guests.
you could use the word dominated by the Daleks in Doctor Who -"Exterminate"...that probably won't work huh? I agree with the observation that the word, "assimilation" should be hated. It is bathed in modernistic flavor. How about, "Go Native"
I like that.
As long as it's not "Go commando."
Doug, Doug, Doug! (again) You must be reading my mind! How is it that I can agree so wholeheartedly with you again? I have said several times that if Satan were to work his way into our church it'd be through that coffeepot. I rarely even drink it;I can't bear to. I pray for our church's ministry all the time, and should add coffee to the list.
Lynn, I feel that we are just a few of the many underground Suncresters who would rather eat raw hamburger than Suncrest coffee. :)
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