Friday, July 20, 2007

Friend in need

I have a friend in critical condition at U of C. I went to see her and her husband yesterday. She is stable but still critical. Basically her liver has shut down and her kidneys may do the same. If you could take a moment when you read this and pray for Jolee, I would really appreciate it. They still don't know what caused it so it's still real crazy.

I met Jolee and her husband Robb when I was at a ministry in Taylorville, IL. I have so many found memories of Taylorville and one the best is my friendship with Robb and Jolee. We were living in a duplex and they moved in the other half. It was kinda funny because before they moved in there Sheila and I prayed for opportunity to minister to whoever moved in next door. Before we could even invite them to church they actually asked us if they could come to our small group. They hadn't been active in church for sometime, but were really interested. Jolee had grown up in church and Robb had minimal exposure. Sometime later I had the privilege of baptizing Robb, seeing them become parents and watching them grow.

Please pray for them. Thanks.

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