Dear Blog, Greetings! If you would allow me a moment I wanted to give you an update on what is happening in the life of the Gambles. After seven years of serving at Suncrest Christian Church I have resigned as Campus Pastor for the purpose of planting a new church in the Oklahoma City area. It was a bittersweet day announcing my resignation Sunday. We have made incredible friends in Northwest Indiana and served an amazing church family. At the same time it was one filled with a sense of purpose and confidence in God's next step for the Gambles. What is exciting is that I am not merely leaving Suncrest. I am being sent out to start a new church. That is what Suncrest is about. That is what I want to be about. So, I just wanted to share this news with you and ask you to subscribe to a "mostly monthly" e-newsletter that I will send to keep everyone interested in what is happening with the Gambles and the new church. If you would like to sign up just click here. I've also started writing about it on my blog to share more about what God has been up to in our lives and how He led us to this decision. That's it. I hope you have a fantastic day and don't hesitate to drop me a line or connect on Facebook/Twitter/the real world. doug P.S. If you are reading this and thinking "why did he send this to me? I know this already." Let me apologize and blame it on technology (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). I'm just trying to get the word out as broadly as I can. Thanks! |